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Approved by the Extraordinary Unification
Congress of the Confederation of Labor of Russia
May 27, 2011
1. The governing body of the KTR, which manages the activities of the KTR between the Congresses of the KTR, is the KTR Council, acting on the basis of the Charter of the KTR and this Regulation.

The Council of the KTR operates in the period between the congresses of the KTR. The term of office of the KTR Council is 4 years, starting from the date of the KTR Congress.

2. The KTR Council acts in the period between congresses and with the establishment of a term of office for 4 years.

The Council of the KTR is elected by the Congress of the KTR from representatives proposed by the members of the KTR.

2.1. Each trade union member of the KTR independently determines its candidate to the KTR Council for submission to the KTR Congress.

2.2. The President of the KTR, the General Secretary of the KTR and the Chairman of the KTR Council are ex officio members of the KTR Council.

2.3. The responsible secretaries of the KTR, the Vice-Presidents of the KTR and the Deputy Chairman of the KTR Council participate in the work of the KTR Council with the right of advisory vote.

2.4. A trade union that has submitted an application to join the KTR has the right to submit to the KTR Council the candidacy of its representative to the KTR Council. The KTR Council may decide to include a representative of the newly adopted trade union with the right to vote in the members of the KTR Council. At the same time, the number of members of the KTR Council approved by the KTR Council cannot exceed 1/4 of the total number of members of the KTR Council elected by the KTR Congress. The decision of the KTR Council on the election of a new member of the KTR Council is subject to approval at the next Congress of the KTR.

3. The KTR Council acts on the basis of the legislation, the Charter of the KTR and this Regulation.

4. Each member of the Council has one vote.

5. The Council of the KTR is convened by the Executive Committee of the KTR as necessary, but at least once every 3 months.

6. The meeting of the KTR Council is convened by the Executive Committee of the KTR:

6.1. at the request of the Chairman of the KTR Council, the President of the KTR, the General Secretary of the KTR;

6.2. by decision of the Executive Committee of the KTR;

6.3. at the written request of 1/3 of the members of the Council;

6.4. at the written request of the control and audit commission of the KTR.

7. The Council of the KTR is competent and competent to consider any issues and make decisions on them, except those referred to the exclusive competence of the Congress of the KTR.

7.1. The exclusive competence of the KTR Council includes:

— convocation of the Congress of the KTR, setting the date of the Congress of the KTR and the norms of representation at the Congress of the KTR;

— participation in other organizations;

— approval of the Regulations on the legal and Technical labor Inspection of the KTR, amendments and additions to them;

— Election of the Chief Labor Inspector of the KTR;

— making a decision on the admission of new members of the KTR, as well as exclusion from the KTR;

— establishment of the amount of membership fees;

— approval of the KTR budget and monitoring of its execution;

— election and early termination of the powers of the responsible secretaries in the areas of activity of the KTR, the vice-presidents of the KTR, the deputy chairman of the Council of the KTR and determines their functional responsibilities.

7.2. KTR Council:

— develops and approves Provisions that are not attributed to the exclusive competence of the Congress of the KTR;

— creates, if necessary, for the current work of the commission and (or) inspection of the KTR, adopts and approves the Regulations on these commissions and (or) inspections, forms the composition of these commissions;

— cooperates with extra-budgetary state insurance of employees of members of trade union organizations;

— approves the distribution of powers among the members of the Executive Committee of the KTR, taking into account the position of the Executive Committee of the KTR;

— grants the necessary additional powers to the members of the Executive Committee of the KTR;

— if necessary, decides on the conclusion of employment contracts with members of the Executive Committee of the KTR released from their main production activities;

— determines the necessity, conditions and forms of cooperation with other trade unions;

— approves the formation of trade union sections for similar types of economic activity (industries) and assists their development;

— approves authorized representatives of the KTR for work in the regions;

— makes decisions and submits proposals and requirements on social, labor, and professional issues to state and local government bodies, in accordance with the current legislation, seeks their implementation;

— sends representations to employers (their representatives), executive authorities and local self-government bodies on the elimination of violations of labor legislation, general, sectoral and other agreements and collective agreements;

— monitors compliance by employers (their representatives), officials with labor legislation and makes demands to them on the elimination of identified violations, on the cancellation and suspension of actions or amendments to regulations that violate the rights, freedoms and interests of trade union members who are members of the KTR;

— makes demands to employers and their representatives regarding the establishment and modification of working conditions (including wages), the conclusion, modification and implementation of collective agreements, agreements on social and labor relations;

— in accordance with the procedure provided for by law, organizes and conducts collective actions in support of the demands put forward, including in accordance with the current legislation, makes a decision to declare a strike, and also determines the body leading the strike and the composition of representatives of employees authorized to participate in conciliation procedures;

— organizes and directs collective actions in the protection of individual labor rights of trade union members who are members of the KTR;

— approves the Charters and Regulations of territorial (regional, interregional) bodies, organizations of the KTR;

— interprets the provisions and norms of this Charter.

8. The Executive Committee of the KTR must notify the KTR member organizations of the date of the next meeting of the KTR Council and its proposed agenda to the KTR member organizations, no later than ten days in advance.

9. The Chairman of the KTR Council opens and conducts the meetings of the KTR Council, and in his absence, for any reason, a member of the KTR IC who performs the duties of the Chairman of the KTR Council by decision of the KTR Council.

10. A meeting of the Council is considered competent, provided that all members of the Council of the KTR are duly notified of the meeting of the Council by the e-mail address specified by a member of the Council of the KTR, and at least 2/3 of the members of the Council of the KTR participate in the meeting of the Council of the KTR.

Decisions of the Council of the KTR are made by a majority vote of the number of Council members present, subject to the established quorum.

11. On issues that do not require detailed discussion, decisions of the KTR Council may be taken by means of communication.

In this case, the Chairman of the KTR Council sends by e-mail to the address specified by the members of the KTR Council to all members of the KTR Council a draft decision agreed by all members of the KTR IC. A member of the KTR Council is obliged to state his position on the merits of the draft decision of the KTR Council as soon as possible, but no later than 3 days from the date of receipt of the draft decision. At the same time, all members of the KTR Council take part in the meeting of the KTR Council, and the decision is considered adopted if at least 2/3 of the members of the KTR Council voted for it.

Each member of the KTR Council is obliged to inform the KTR IC and the Chairman of the KTR Council in a timely manner about the change of the e-mail address in order to obtain the necessary information.

12. The minutes are kept at the meeting of the KTR Council. The decisions of the KTR Council are drawn up in the form of a Resolution and signed by the Chairman of the KTR Council or a member of the KTR IC who performs the duties of the Chairman of the KTR Council by the decision of the KTR Council.

13. In case of non-payment for more than 3 consecutive months without a valid reason, membership fees in the amount established by the KTR Council, in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Regulation, the representative of the KTR member who has this debt is deprived of the right to vote in the KTR Council. The fact of the presence (absence) of debt is established by the absence (presence) of payment documents confirming the absence (presence) of receipt of funds to the KTR account as membership fees. At the time of the beginning of the meeting of the KTR Council.

13.1. The voting right of a representative of a member of the KTR is restored from the date of receipt of the funds of this member of the KTR to the KTR account in full for the entire period of debt.

14. In case of non-payment of membership fees for more than 6 months, the KTR Council has the right to exclude a member from the KTR.

15. The amount of the minimum contribution of a KTR member depends on the declared number of trade union members, but not less than 3,000 trade union members.

16. The Council of the KTR has the right to exclude a member of the KTR from the KTR and on other grounds:

— for non-compliance with the provisions of this Charter;

— for obstructing the implementation of the decisions of the elected bodies of the KTR;

17. The excluded member of the KTR under paragraphs 14, 15 of these Regulations is notified of the place and time of the meeting of the KTR Council no later than 10 days before the meeting of the KTR Council.

18. The decision of the Council of the KTR to exclude from the members of the KTR may be appealed by the excluded member of the KTR to the Congress of the KTR.

19. Members of the KTR may not be affiliated organizations of other all-Russian trade unions.

KTR member organizations may join other all-Russian trade union associations only by a special decision of the KTR Council. If a KTR member organization does not notify the KTR Council of its membership or membership in another all-Russian association of trade unions, or joins such an association contrary to the decision of the KTR Council, it may be excluded from the KTR in the manner provided for by this Charter. This provision does not apply to membership in all-Russian unions of trade unions established on the basis of employees belonging to similar types of economic activity (industry).

20. Members of the KTR may be all-Russian and other trade unions, all-Russian and other associations of trade unions, independent in their activities from executive authorities, local self-government bodies, employers, their associations, political parties and other public associations that recognize and comply with the Charter of the KTR.

A trade union that includes employers and their representatives (who have the right to hire and dismiss, impose disciplinary penalties), as well as owners of enterprises using hired labor, cannot be a member of the KTR.
News from LabourStart
References: trade unions and the sphere of labor