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Violence and harassment at work: Unions in action for C190
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the ITUC is highlighting how trade...
International Day for Care: invest in care!
On the International Day for Care, 29 October, ITUC calls on governments to invest in care to build resilient...
Towards the 4th World Women's Conference of the ITUC
On November 17-22, the 5th World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation will be held, which...
The report on violence and harassment in the world of work in the Russia has been published
The Confederation of Labor of Russia has published the full text of the report "The Review on the Violence...
Russia’s Prospects To Ratify ILO Convention No. 190 Discussed at Roundtable
A roundtable organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Confederation of Labour of Russia,...
Collective bargaining is an important tool in the fight against violence and harassment
On February 8, 2020, the Central Council of the University Solidarity trade union was adopted as the basis for...
The campaign for ratification of Convention 190 were discussed in the Gender Commission
At the interregional meeting of the KTR Commission on Gender Equality (Moscow, February 15, 2020), a new report...
KTR supports the adoption of an effective law against domestic violence
The Confederation of Labor of Russia is confident that our country needs an effective and really active law...
Convention on Violence and Harassment (No. 190) was discussed in St. Petersburg
On November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women the Confederation of Labor...
Resolution for gender gender equality in the world of work, in trade unions and in society
Almost 80% of women and 85% of men — this is the gender statistics of the level of participation in the...
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